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Top Kenyan Artist Confesses About His Addiction To P0rn0graphy


I read this story in one of our buzz dailies and i was shocked! Not shocked about the fact that the lad was addicted to P0rn, after all, top Kenyan gospel artist A-Star confessed to being addicted to p0rn and m@sturb@tion but what was shocking was how young he was.
The artist in question is none other than Solexx Mgenge. And in his interview he confessed to being addicted to p0rn0graphy from when he was in STD 5! That would mean that he was 11 yrs old!
And in his interview, he claimed that his mother was his salvation. She stumbled upon his collection and decided to deal with him. Before he knew what was happening, he was attending counselling sessions.
When he was asked about whether he still feels the need to see p0rn videos, he claimed that he no longer has those cravings. I wish the lad well knowing full well how an addiction can take control of your life and drive you off course.
Here is that excerpt of the interview:
You told me about something that you thought would be beneficial to share with the world — about a past addiction you had. What was it, and how did it begin?
I was addicted to p0rn0graphy. It all started way back when I was in primary school, to be specific Standard Five. Our neighbour’s son, who was in high school at the time, came home with a variety of video cassettes and one happened to have adult content.
Out of curiosity we (other children and I) locked ourselves in the house when our parents were out and watched the whole tape. At first it was fun, but it started affecting my school work since not a day would pass without me watching or reading p0rn0graphic stuff.
The fact that you became addicted to p0rn means you did not think it was wrong. What made you realise that it was indeed a problem?
I came back to my senses while in Form Two when I first landed in trouble with my mum after she found a p0rn DVD in my wardrobe. She took me to see a counsellor. I attended several sessions but, to be honest, it was difficult getting over the addiction since all my friends were still watching it.
How did you begin to turn yourself around?
I realised I was spending a lot of money buying and downloading p0rn0graphic stuff. I had about 100GBs of porn videos on my laptop; my screen saver and wallpaper on my phone were of n@ked girls. I started by deleting all these.
Probably many people do not understand what is wrong with p0rn0graphy. Would you give them your thoughts on why it is bad?
What many people never realise is that you waste too much time watching it, yet it is useless. See, when you watch porn, the next move would be to now try the real thing. That is why in Kenya we have school dropouts due to unplanned pregnancies, and HIV/AIDS inasambazwa sana.

S0D0M AND G0M0RRAH: Eunice Post Nekked Photos On Facebook Asking Men To Come And Do Her...WTF! 

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