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Is KTN's Jicho Pevu Mohamed Ali working for Al­Jazeera to Aid Al­Shabaab terrorists in Somalia?


Doha, Qatari based and owned international media company Al­Jazeera is poised to air a film documentary on Kenya security intelligence services and the East African powerhouse anti­terrorism
operations at 8.00pm East African time. Al­Jazeera television network is set to air a 47.30­minutes video about Kenya anti­terrorism operations today at 8.00pm local time.

Intelligence reports confirm that the film is a catalyst to stoke religious sentiments in Kenya. The primary aim is to project Kenya government antiterrorism operations as targeting Muslims not terrorists. The film was facilitated by a local popular journalist, Mohamed Ali who regional
intelligence networks warn is being used to act as a mediacoordinator for the terrorist group Al­Shabaab.

Strategic Intelligence Service retrieved some excerpts from various sources. “We have been able to study these excerpts, and we were shocked to identify Mohamed Ali, a KTN journalist who conducts very sensational investigative videos under the KTN Jicho­Pevu flagship, most of which draws out a picture of someone who is very sympathetic to radical Islam.”

“In one of the excerpts, a Mosque is featured in the scene, and this journalist is hiding in the  background. Anyone who will watch the video will identify him, our technology has been able to identify him” 

SIS Al­Jazeera is owned by the Qatari’s and credible intelligence from regional
intelligence networks in East Africa confirms that Qatar has continued to support Al­Shabaab terrorists in Somalia.

Qatar gives these terrorists both money and military support. Most of politicalmilitary agenda’s of Somalia are spearheaded from Qatar. Al­Jazeera has always been the terrorist’s best channel to air their media, and the Kenyan film is of questionable nature.

Jicho­Pevu has been anti­government all through; this is the snake in the house  He is actually
SIS Intelligence analysts view the recent past events in Kenya besides a recent report published by Associated Press Media Company as very strategic from an intelligence perspective Kenya has been attacked by terrorists twice in 10 days. The country lost a fighter jet after it crashed in Somalia, the president of the country Uhuru Kenyatta charges at the International Criminal Courthave been dropped, and then the international media starts publishing negative information about Kenya security programs, it is not interesting at all, it is rather disturbing.

Anti­Muslim Perspective to Cause Christian­Muslim Conflict 

SIS analysis on the film projects a bias of anti­Muslim sentiments, not the much hyped extra­judicial killings as Al­Jazeera attempts to project.

If Qatari’s have continued to fund and arm Al­Shabaab with such impunity, why would they not support them in fomenting a Christian­Muslim conflict in the country? The media is a powerful tool and it has been used wrongly to cause anarchy, SIS 

Mohamed Ali’s previous biased investigative works are repeated on the film. The objective is to seek sympathy from global jihadists. Al­Shabaab lost 89 of them in a Kenyan airstrike and it is using such journalists as mediums for outreach.

The anti-­government sentiments and the bias on the sting operations is very dangerous. It aims at heaping emotions and making the Christian dominant government to be seen as using the anti­terror war to fight Muslims. This is wrong and should be condemned, Argues David Goldman, an Israeli security analyst at SIS.

Mohamed Ali will be viewed as a snake or snitch in the Kenyan house. He hides behind media freedom laws while openly helping the terrorists spread their hatred. This is outsourced recruitment. Al­Jazeera should be ethical and stick to distinctive journalism.

Article by David Goldman, he is a renowned intelligence news analyst and a reputed investigative journalist

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