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NASTY: VERA SIDIKA Won't Like This...Socialite Huddah Monroe Reveals A Dark SECRET From Her Past


Kenya's other top socialite Huddah Monroe recently came out to reveal that her former friend Vera Sidika was indeed pregnant but since she did not know who the father of the child was she resulted to carrying out an abortion;

"Vera and I Were Best of Friends But The lady is spoilt. Our first trip to Nigeria was awesome, I took Vera to Nigeria myself and it’s me who paid her first ever flight.

I actually Don't know where She got the new attitude from and for all I care she is just but a call girl. I admit I helped her get an @b0rt10n of a baby ready to be born just because she didn’t know what to do with the pregnancy and whose child it was. That was not the first pregnancy she had gotten rid of. Keep it 'Huddah Monroe Reborn' and I will Reveal The Whole Story"
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