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DRAMA...Angry Guy Narrates On Facebook How His Best Friend Screwed His Girlfriend


Sniper is the guy whose been played, Patto is the player while Lucy is the girl at the centre of all of it.
So,uhm. I have lost my girl to my nigga. Ki***a N***i A dude i called bro just last month.Went behind my very back and screwed my girl like i damn derseved it.
And my girl? Spread her legs like why even ask.
i see back at when we were all 3 together.Nigga there, hoping for the worst,waiting for me to fuck up,so he can fuck her.
and the saddest thing i ever heard was him say that he’s won the battle and the war,niggah please! you took my old bitch and turned her to your new bitch and you call that a win!!! what happened to your game man!! you were the isht,
should have known you a fake nigga,press your brakes nigga,i’l take you out nigga,No! Its not a date,gay fag.
I got no words for the bitch really.S*****a Lucy K**** she’s irrelevant to me,it was good(not really) while it lasted,but once a whore you’re nothing more.
I washed my hands off her long before i did the nigga.
I knew they were fucking from day one,but cooled down my dick,and stayed low,but now am giving this 2 low lifes a dose of their own pills (she’s taken so many with me

Courtesy Nairobiwire
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