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Kenyan Gospel Artist Narrates How He Survived Grisly Road Accident in The US


We recently informed you that gospel singer Ken Eddy Krazy was involved in a gruesome road accident in the United States. The singer is however recovering well and narrated how it all unfolded. See what he had to say;

I have been staying in the Colorado state of USA since I came…I have been busy ministering to lost souls here,evangelizing, reaching out to the broken and also recording more Worship music.


It was about 1:05 PM on the 25th of January when I was just from meeting my producer Paul from planning the album recording stuff with My friend Joe and bro Julius.

We were in Windsor,Colorado.

And as we were driving away,a huge truck ran into a stop sign while we were on the highway.

And before we knew it,the truck drove into us. Right into our car.

I heard a huge,deafening blast…And I went numb.

We almost rolled down the slope but it had snowed the previous night before so the car got stuck in a mound of thick cold snow…

And then the car veered off and was flipped in the air…we flew off the road and landed in a ditch…

My brother Julius got me out through the window…struggle by struggle…

It was hard to pull me through…and as he did so,My face was deeply cut and lacerated.

Blood stared oozing…I had deep,bloody cuts allover my face and arms as You can see in the photo…

Were it not for the seat belt,I bet I would have been thrown through the window and hurt more…

The funny thing is that,within 5 minutes,the police,firefighters and ambulance were all there! Allover the place!!

I hear that’s normal here in America.

Police response is so quick…and efficient! All I saw was sirens,police cars,yellow tapes,cars and more cars..

Gosh,it looked like a movie scene for a simple Kenyan like Me….

I was immediately taken to the emergency care because I was bleeding profusely.

I was then transfered to another Hospital where I was stitched by some of the BEST Doctors in the world.

I was even reduced to using a Wheelchair since I couldn’t walk or move myself around!!

Eventually,the stitches were removed off my face….and my face is doing quite well.

But I have to go for check-up for my neck and muscles to a chiropractor every two days for a while.

I have NOTHING But gratitude to show to God.

I feel like preaching, But I won’t.

I am reminded of the song,BECAUSE HE LIVES,I CAN FACE TOMORROW.

And surely,I am ALIVE today Because He Lives.

Not Because I was Lucky. Or smart. Or sharp. But BECAUSE He Lives.

I am more than thankful.

And Because He Lives,YOU will see tomorrow, You will overcome death,You will soar to the skies and You will taste the Goodness of the Earth.


If God is for Us,Who can be against Us??

May He keep You,restore You,Guard You,Replenish You,Answer You and Meet You at the point of Your needs.

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