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SHOCK: Shebesh demanded Sh1 billion from Dr Kidero...Whaat? Ksh. 1,000,000,000


After weeks of negotiations between Nairobi Governor Dr Evans Kidero and TNA Women Representative Rachael Shebesh, fresh allegations have now emerged that the TNA women representative demanded sh 1 billion to enter into negotiations which would have led to the two solving out of court the assault case where Governor Kidero is alleged to have slapped Shebesh in September last year.
According to a source who is privy to the goings -on in this murky case – a case turning out to be well choreographed on greed, political witch-hunt and outright vendetta against Dr Kidero, Shebesh is said to have demanded, through proxies, that Dr Kidero pays her sh1 billion to stop the case or ”watch his political future disappear in the thin air”.
“I first heard it when the case was stopped by judge Lenaola. One of the county assembly members she had set to testify against Kidero said something to the effect that mama is betting big on this case. That she’s talking of Ksh 1 billion and if Kidero who is wealthy cannot give that money she will continue with the case.” 
According to the script, believed to have been discussed extensively by top TNA politicians and business men, the case is also to be used to arm-twist Dr Kidero to give blanket tenders, at bloated quotations, to people who ‘usually do business with Nairobi City Council’.
“This is a bad case. They want to delay it as much as they can. Play it on the media and give it their own interpretation. It will probably be the worst abuse of all government systems by the Jubilee functionaries on Dr Kidero,” added the source.

While different groups of people have pushed Shebesh to stop this case, mostly her former colleague MPs in ODM and a section of Luhya professionals known to the husband, Shebesh, is said to be captive of the top TNA politicians, mostly Kikuyu MPs in Nairobi and their counterparts in Central Kenya.

For the businessmen, apart from demanding outrageous tenders, some are blackmailing Dr Kidero over the Hazina Towers – a ‘lunatic’ skyscraper to be built within the CBD which the governor recently stopped its construction work. Last year, ostensibly to threaten Dr Kidero into hurriedly signing off the approval documents of the private construction project, a cabinet secretary wrote a demand letter to Dr Kidero which he copied to both the President and Deputy President.
In response, a furious Dr Kidero had told off the cabinet secretary, insisting the construction as designed cannot be worked on without factoring traffic and safety measures. According to Dr Kidero, the approval of the building was done in the 1990s, a period which politics of sycophancy and patronage dictated everything, and proper environmental impact studies may not have been carried out then.
“Validation of environmental impact assessment needs to be done. Yes, it was approved back in the 90′s then the re-approval was done in March, but the environmental impact assessment was not renewed. So we will be asking NSSF to do that,” said Dr Kidero recently told a local TV station.
With the case, it is said more pressure has been piled on Dr Kidero to approve the construction. While most of the people making demands on Dr Kidero use Shebesh’ name, it is difficult to tell whether she is part of it. However, her insistence that Dr Kidero’s case continues has given more clout to those who see her as being used as political and financial pawn.
Another source in the governor’s office, however, pointed an accusing finger at the prosecution department of also playing politics with the case. It is not lost on keen observers that while Dr. Kidero is charged with assault, Shebesh is charged with a lesser offence of ‘creating disturbance’ in a public space.
“There are people who are convinced that this case will lead to a by election and because they think he (Dr Kidero) is currently not popular with the CORD people, he stands to lose. Sadly, one of this people is his own chief of staff wainaina who has been pushing daktari to make deals. But some who are pushing for the case to end for now, people like Sonko (Nairobi Senator) also do not want any person from TNA to vie because they are looking for 2017 so they want keep daktari busy in courts as they pay the newspapers to write what they want…this office has never been the same again since that woman came here with her goons,” says the source.
According to this source, Dr Kidero is said to be highly shocked by how it is only him seen as the villain yet Ms Shebesh’s provocation is being treated as the best standard of leadership.
“While dakatri has shown remorse over this issue, it shocks him how people have made the intruder the real victim. He is constantly being told how the city has its owners and how his career, if he doesn’t give into most of these people’s demands, will not see 2014, not even next election”.
Today, Dr Kidero is said to have met CORD leader Raila Odinga who advised him to let the cases continue instead of pouring billions into what will be scandalous than it is now. The governor has been opposed to entering deals on the issue since it first broke out.
During the meeting with Odinga, the embattled Nairobi Governor is said to have explained to the CORD leader most of the goings on and the demands by different people who want to millions of shillings from the case. To the governor, there is a perception that he is very wealthy and can use his own fortune to get away from the case, something he feels will set a bad precedent.
Immediately the reconciliation efforts were reported to Judge Lenaola as having ‘flopped’, Dr Kidero filed a fresh lawsuit compelling the police not to arrest him.
The case will be heard January 16.

+ comments + 1 comments

14 January 2014 at 21:52

Do Kenyans remember this?

THE DAY Martha Karua slapped Raila Odinga at the precincts of Parliament during the formative days of the Narc government. Evans Kidero should have borrowed a lesson from Raila Odinga's reaction to what was obviously a provocative act schemed by powerful forces to bring Raila Odinga down politically.

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