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Kenya Ranks At No.136 On World's Most Corrupt Countries Index


Kenya continues to rank poorly in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index launched by the global Transparency International movement.

The Index ranks Kenya at position 136 out of 177 countries and territories surveyed, with a score of 27 on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean. Kenya’s score in the index remains unchanged from the 2012 index.

“Kenya’s score has remained disappointingly low and stagnant over a long period of time. Evidently whatever efforts that have been put into the fight against corruption have borne little results. A new impetus and approach to this issue is required,” said Samuel Kimeu, Executive Director of TI Kenya.

Somalia is the most corrupt nation world wide, ranked at number 175. Sudan is the second in Africa, followed by surprisingly South Sudan.

Botswana on the other hand is the least corrupt country in Africa, ranked at number 30 globally.
- Courtesy

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