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Ladies, Things To Do To A Kenyan Man And He Will Never Forget You


5. THREE-SOME, A three-some is every man’s dream. if you don’t want a guy to forget about you then have a three-some with him, it will make him feel like a King, to him its like hitting two birds with one stone. Be sharp and tell your bestfriend so that you can make your guy happy through teamwork

4. GENEROUS, if you don’t want a guy to forget about you then serve everyone of his friends or brothers your cookie then he will never forget about you. Its not something to brag about because its not good. If you are whore or special to everyone then your guy will never forget about you because your legs open easily or much faster than the Google homepage

3. BEST MEAL, Get to know his best meal and cook it for him then he will have a special place in his heart for specifically for you, food can bring back smiles to even the saddest of people

2. PEE ON BED, By this susuring i don’t mean these ones of kids or children where he or she dreams that she is in the toilet then she wets the bed, No way!! I mean the one for adults, elnino rains to specific then for sure a guy will never forget about you

1. B. J, Madtraxx sang a song that was entitled Get down, Get down so if you don’t want a guy to ever forget about you then you should give him a blow job because by getting down on both knees it will not only show that you have respect for him (by kneeling) but love for him as well

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