Drama unfolded in Iten town, NAIROBI County when a senior traffic policeman was beaten up by angry members of the public for allegedly snatching the ignition key from a stationary matatu that was loading tomatoes.
The Wednesday afternoon drama brought business to a standstill as residents thronged the bus termini to have a glimpse of the rare spectacle.
“The commuters and touts at the Country bus terminal were stunned by the uncouth manner the traffic officer went and removed the ignition key from the vehicle,” said an eyewitness patrick kosgey.
“But angry motorists wrestled him to the ground and snatched the ignition key before descending on him with kicks and blows,” added patrick.
The officer was later rescued by the touts who told the mob that the officer had learnt his lesson.SEE VIDEO BELOW
The Wednesday afternoon drama brought business to a standstill as residents thronged the bus termini to have a glimpse of the rare spectacle.
“The commuters and touts at the Country bus terminal were stunned by the uncouth manner the traffic officer went and removed the ignition key from the vehicle,” said an eyewitness patrick kosgey.
“But angry motorists wrestled him to the ground and snatched the ignition key before descending on him with kicks and blows,” added patrick.
The officer was later rescued by the touts who told the mob that the officer had learnt his lesson.SEE VIDEO BELOW
+ comments + 4 comments
Iten town is not in Nairobi County!
The story might be right bt if u know the geographical location of iten n nairobi u cant bliv it
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ujinga ni kuwa your videos never play, i hate this kind of lies