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Prof Kivutha Kibwana to Resign as Makueni Governor


Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Ndeto Mwau is set to become the first woman governor if the current governor of the county Kivutha Kibwana makes good his intention to resign over a budgetary stalemate with the Members of the County Assembly.

Kibwana who is out of the country for treatment has said that he will tender his resignation to the speaker of the MCA tomorrow as his development agenda for the county is being impeded by the MCA who he termed as “insensitive”.

"I have decided that I am not able to be of help to the people of Makueni in this matter. After I leave hospital, I will tomorrow offer a letter of resignation as governor of Makueni County Government. I thank you for the privilege of serving you since March 27, 2013," Kibwana said in a post to the Makueni County Sharing Forum on the Facebook.

Kibwana had proposed a budget of Sh5 billion in which he had allocated the MCA Sh89 million for its operations. The MCA however demanded Sh1 billion. In the course of negotiations, Kibwana revised the MCA allocation first to Sh150 million, then Sh484 million and finally to Sh554 million.

The MCA however came down from Sh1 billion to Sh925 million and then to Sh601 million, the amount they are not willing to go below according to Kibwana’s Facebook post.

Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Junior said that he had not gotten official communication on Kibwana’s intended resignation, but he is waiting for an official report. Area MP Daniel Manzo howevers said that Kibwana’s intended resignation will cost the constituents of Makueni more in the long run.

"He [Kibwana] should take up the challenge and not throw in the towel. If he really wants to save money, he will not do it by resigning. The by-election alone would cost the country much more than what he wants to save," Makueni MP Daniel Maanzo said.

Article 182 section 2 states that if the governor’s office falls vacant as a result of death, resignation, conviction of a crime of the office holder, ineligibility of election as a governor, or is removed from office under the constitution, the deputy governor assumes the office of the governor for the remainder of the 5-year term.

- The Star

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