The renowned political schemer, Mutahi Ngunyi, has sensationally said that the International Criminal Court, in cahoots with other Western Powers, want to arrest President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto, so as to fix the leader of their choice in the country.
On his twitter account this Monday, Mutahi, who is famous for his articulated hypothesis regarding the geopolitics of Kenya and Africa, said the situation of Former Radio presenter Joshua Sang being detained at The Hague is an example of how Ruto and Uhuru would have been treated had they not been in power.
Here are tweets by Mutahi Ngunyi.
Mutahi Ngunyi|Sang is in Jail at The Hague. He is barred from travelling outside the capital. Uhuru and Ruto were to face same fate if they were not boss.
Mutahi Ngunyi| Sang is in jail at ICC. They Want Uhuru and Ruto next. Can they collapse a steady country? YES! EXAMPLE: Iraq. Can they fix Kenya? Why
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mutahi ngunyi.....a misserable tribalist passing himself as a political commentator!
use your brain well man don't think that all people are your tribe that you can just have your way.
also think about the victim not only the accused ,let them be jailed so that other leaders can learn that no one is above the law ,u want to turn our country to be like Mugabe's country ,we need our kenya to be nice place for everyone like alshaabab