You cannot talk about the Kiunas without talking about their house. Churchill hosted them on his show last week, where they mostly talked about their romantic life. I would have expected a mention of their large residence, but that did not happen.

For many months now, photos of the Kiuna's Runda residence have circulated on the internet. Apparently some faithfuls from the Jubilee Christian Church (Allan and Kathy Kiuna's church), were some time back taken on a tour of the massive private property to see what 'God can do'. Some managed to sneak out with photos.
Though we cannot confirm their authenticity, here is the alleged Kiuna's residence.

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Of course tha tis what the Kiuna can do with your hard earned cash!!
sadaka nayo
I support Kiuna on this... I can listen now if you say God can bless you beyond your wildest dream. Brother you can talk about prosperity... you cant please everybody.. we cant decide for you your lifestyle bcz you don't choose for us too..
They are living in heaven on earth. What about their followers read financiers?
too materialistic this mordern day preachers. What have they done for the less fortunate........... we want to see that side too!!!!!
wow that house is amazing!!! these guys are a smart business couple!!
How many orphans are housed in this big space?
What houses do the associate pastors live in?
The gap between the "senior" pastor and his assistant pastors and church members tells you the kind of a servant he really is.
The gap between Jesus and his disciples was so narrow that those who came to arrest him could not single him out without a sign from judas!
this is tofiakwa whilst people are suffering how nice if they give somespace for some of the less fortunate
they educate like 40 children per year
kodoo amkeni
Cool house I like
It true kondoo amkeni, ha ha ha. I belong to catholic. At least we know were sadaka goes
A pampered shepherd when the flock goes hungry!
what God can do, no man can do!
How do people display mediocrity to this level? How do you complain of a house that you can call an expert to design for you? What will they say when the 10,000 seater church comes n when the church will own a private jet to preach gospel in around the world???
To those who are complaining of theft, how much of their cash has been stolen? n why did they allow it to be stolen?