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'Jesus Christ' Appears on British TV, With a Woman He Claims is Mary Magdalene


Alan John Miller
A man who claims to be Jesus Christ caused a stir on Twitter after appearing on ITV ‘s This Morning alongside a woman who says she’s Mary Magdalene.
Alan John Miller made the audacious claim while being interviewed by hosts Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford.

The Australian calmly told the pair he was the son of God and his partner Mary Luck had been present when he was crucified, and she was in fact her biblical namesake Magdalene.

Miller was accompanied by his real life partner Mary Luck, who claimed she was Mary Magdalene (Picture: ITV)
Unsurprisingly the news was met with some suspicion on social networks, with Twitter users not buying Miller’s claims.
Journalist Sali Hughes wrote simply: ‘Jesus Christ is currently on the This Morning sofa with @EamonnHolmes.’
Sarah Louise Evans was more harsh with her assessment, ‏posting: ‘Get this fruit loop off my tv. ‘I am Jesus’ no you’re not, you’re just a geezer with long hair and a beard.’
Paul Carter was more concerned with Miller’s inability to perform miracles live on television.
He said: ‘There’s a couple on This Morning who think they’re Jesus and Mary. Eamonn Holmes just asked ‘Jesus’ to turn his water into wine. He said no.’
This isn’t the first time Miller, who heads up a religious movement called the Divine Truth, has been in the news.
Earlier this year it emerged a British woman had given up her career as a neuroscientist so she could move to Australia and join his group.


+ comments + 1 comments

24 February 2014 at 03:08

JESUS IS COMING. That why we see fake prophets like miller

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