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Kenyans on Twitter ATTACK Sky News For Calling Uhuru A CRIMINAL


Kenyans on Twitter on Friday evening attacked British Broadcaster Sky News over a headline depicting Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta as a criminal.

In a large headline on Friday, Sky News labeled President Uhuru as a “criminal” while reporting on the British government invitation extended to the Kenyan leader to visit the country to attend a conference on Somalia’s future.

The offending headline by Sky News which labelled Kenya’s President as a criminal

The offending headline screamed “Kenya: Criminal President invited to the UK” and also carried a photo of President Kenyatta inspecting the guard of honor. The story stated that the UK had reneged on its utterances which had suggested that the country will only have “essential contact” with the Kenyatta government if he was elected.

The broadcaster seemed to take issue with the fact that “Britain has invited a world leader who is indicted by the International Criminal Court to a conference in London next week.”

Despite the old adage, “innocent until proven guilty,” Sky News had no problem rendering judgment though it notes on its website that Uhuru’s visit is “months before he goes on trial for crimes against humanity.”

Kenyans on Twitter did not take it well and as usual, they used their social media to let Sky News what they thought of their headline.

However, not everyone had a problem. Kethi Kilonzo who represented Africog during the presidential petition by Raila Odinga did not think it was big deal.

Kethi tweeted “Amicus, Your country has bigger problems than a news outlet calling your president a criminal. #SomeOneTellSkyNews”

Here are some of the tweets which can be followed at #someonetellskynews
Skytweets Kenyans on Twitter attack Sky News over Uhuru headline
Skytweets3 Kenyans on Twitter attack Sky News over Uhuru headline

  • Lol RT : That Kenya is a democratic state compared to Yours which is hereditary...

  • our president can win with a landslide in their country...but do we say?

  • the idiot who wrote the article should know peopple. He is not worth being even our president's servant.

  • whether they like it is our president en they will always put the "criminal"

  • RT : if our President is a criminal,what of Tony blair who ordered the murder (cont)

  • Hmm I know their problem.The British need more land to conduct military exercises .Consult the president.Nice landlord

  • That Kenya is a democratic state compared to Yours which is hereditary...

  • LOL RT that our president may be their and they dont know.

  • clouds are pathetic audience.Amicus idiotae

  • Well.. Interesting trend by . Expect more of it's kind is all i'm sayin..

  • if our President is a 'Criminal' for being charged, then their entire Government is a gang of Murders, Maumau sued them

  • Infact they said "Criminal " not Criminal get your facts right before tweeting your

  • that our President is , and if they've got a problem with it they ca ...(Cont )

  • am related to him RT : A wise man once said, You can’t be old & wise, if you were never young & crazy.

  • -Jambonewspot

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