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Top 10 Most Haunted And Scariest Places On Earth


10. The Parisian Catacombs, Paris, France
Created as a solution to Paris’ burgeoning population and an inability to properly bury everyone in the church graveyards located within city limits without jeaopardizing the city water supply, the Catacombs project began in 1786. The bodies were exhumed and the transfer of Paris’ dead from the church graveyards to the abandoned stone quarries took around two years to complete. Now open for guided tours, it’s listed as one of the top haunted places in the world. Visitors claim to have been touched by unseen hands, have the sensation of being watched or followed, experienced temperature changes, hysterical breakdowns, and the feeling of being strangled.

9. Singapore
 Ok, I know Singapore is an entire country, but I was reading about some pretty disturbing stuff that goes on around there. Considered Asia’s most haunted city, Singapore is home to many locations that register high numbers in paranormal activity. Strange lights glitter through Hougang School near East Coast Beach and one ghost actually goes around slapping people at the Changi Beach House. Near the coast at Lor Halus, ghosts of the poor beg for food and money along the streets. Many years ago at the Bedok Tenant House, a ghost apparently killed a resident and now the woman is herself a screaming ghost who disturbs the residents at the Hou Gang Tenements. In the Fort Sentosa district, the Punggol White House is haunted by a whole family who committed suicide together, while headless apparitions terrorize passengers as they pass through certain MRT mass transit stations in the city. As you can see Singapore has a slew of hauntings that are ceaseless in their disturbance to the living.

8. . The Tower of London – London, England
Since its construction in 1078, the Tower of London has been the scene of some of London’s particularly gruesome murders and torture accounts. Now considered by many as one of the most haunted buildings in London and by a few as the most haunted in all of England, the Tower of London is home to the ghosts of Anne Boleyn and Lady Jane Grey as well as Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, who was hacked to death by an executioner in 1541. Sign up for a Twilight Tour of the Tower of London to hear its tortured past and the eerie stories of famous prisoners whose spirits still drift through the damp passages.

7. .Helltown
Hell Town – a dark, foreboding place where ghosts, cults, and serial killers lurk. An entire town, cursed and frighteningly dangerous after dark.There is a government cover-up to hide the fact that they spilled deadly chemicals in the area. These chemicals have caused bizarre mutations to area residents and their children.”The local cemetery is haunted by a ghost that sits on a bench and stares blankly into creation.”A whole busload of children were slaughtered in the woods by a serial killer, a band of serial killers, an escaped mental patient, several escaped mental patients, or a group of Satanists or cult members

The steep Stanford Road drop off, immediately followed by a dead end, is aptly named The End of the World. If you get stuck at this dead end for too long, according to ghost story enthusiasts, you may meet your end at the hands of many members of the endless parade of freaks patrolling the woods. Satanists, Ku Klux Klan members, an escaped mental patient, an abnormally large snake, and mutants caused by an alleged chemical spill proudly march in this parade. And if you stray from the roads, you may find Boston Cemetery, home to a ghostly man, grave robbers and, the quirkiest of all, a moving tree.

6..Shades of Death Road
Some say that at times, the population of Malaria-carrying insects was so large, that victims would have to be laid out on the roadside in the hopes a traveling doctor would happen by and cure them. Ghost Lake, home to mysterious columns of mist and a haunted cabin, is the most popular stop on the drive. If you are lucky (or unlucky) enough, you may just catch a faint glimpse of a murder victim out for a stroll in the fog.

Some attribute it to three murders that occurred in the 20’s and 30’s. The first murder saw a robber beating his victim over the head with a tire iron, the second saw a woman decapitate her husband and bury the head and body on separate sides of the road, and the third consisted of poor Bill Cummins being shot and buried in a mud pile. Some attribute it to massive amounts of fatal car crashes, while others consider it the fault of viscous wildcats from the nearby Bear Swamp.

5. Edinburgh Castle
Reported to be one of the most haunted spots in all of Scotland in a city with a reputation for being the most haunted in all of Europe, this list would not be complete without Edinburgh Castle. More terrifying than the castle itself are the dark and damp dungeons previously used for imprisonment and torture. The castle also sports an underground labyrinth of tunnels with over one hundred rooms. These vaults were once used to quarantine and entomb victims of the plague. Visitors report ghost sightings, sounds of heavy breathing, screams, sudden temperature changes, and the feeling of being watched or having your clothing pulled as you walk by empty rooms.

4. The Borley Rectory – Borley, England
England is widely known as a land haunted by spirits, and the Borley Rectory claims to be the most haunted place in England. The rectory was built in 1863 next to the Borley Church as a home for Reverend Henry Bull. After its construction it became the site of intense poltergeist activity such as spontaneous displacement of objects, strange odors, cold spots, the sound of galloping horses and ghostly apparitions. The rectory was destroyed by fire in 1939 but photos of the ruins still contained odd images and unexplained elements. Captain W. H. Gregson, one of the last residents there, reported seeing the ghost of a nun wondering the grounds. People even reported seeing Gregson being accompanied by a lady in a gray cloak and a bald man in a long black jacket. Perhaps the most disturbing activity occurred around Marianne, the wife of Reverend Lionel Foster, who took residence in the house in 1930. An entity of some kind tried to communicate with Marianne through scratching messages on walls and the whole episode was captured on camera. Also photographed was a floating brick and a floating ribbon-like apparition. To this day odd images show up in photographs and as recently as 2000 a photo was taken with a mysterious orb floating in the background.

3. Bhangarh Fort, India
Bhangarh Fort is on way from Jaipur to Alwar in Rajasthan, India. According to a legend, Singhia, a black magic tantrik cursed the palace that everybody would die in the palace and their souls will stay there for centuries without rebirth. Another interesting point is, all the houses in this area are without roofs because whenever a house is built with roof, the roof collapses. This is the called most haunting place in India. People who visit this place experience anxiety and restlessness. It is said that nobody returns from this place that stays there after dark. Government prohibited this area from staying after sunset. You will find a board installed by Archaeological Survey of India displaying “Staying after sunset is strictly prohibited in this area”.

2 .Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, subsequently the Armand Auclerc Weston State Hospital, was a Kirk bride psychiatric hospital that operated from 1864 until 1994 by the government of the U.S. state of West Virginia, in the city of Weston.
Once known as the Weston State Hospital, this asylum was home to thousands of people with mental illness, starting in 1864. Hundreds of people died here before the facility closed in 1994. Spirits are said to haunt the building and grounds today, dating back to the Civil War era when the asylum’s grounds served as a military post. Paranormal tours of the facility feature 2-hour visits to the asylum’s 4 main hot spots. The more intense Ghost Hunt is an 8-hour overnight paranormal adventure with experienced ghost-hunting guides.

1. Moundsville Penitentiary
With its violent past, deplorable conditions and two major riots, Moundsville Penitentiary is a popular destination for those who study paranormal activity. Some claim that the prison is plagued with what is called, residual haunting, which are defined as a replay of a tragic event from the past.

There are several areas in the prison known as “hot spots” where an unusual amount of paranormal activity reportedly occurs. Such places include: the Chapel, shower cages, Death Row, the Sugar Shack, which was a recreational area and the North Wagon Gate which is where death row inmates were taken to be hung before the facility used the electric chair.

During its more than 100 years in operation, the Moundsville Penitentiary in West Virginia was one of America’s most violent correctional facilities and the final stop for almost 1,000 criminals. The prisoners lived in cramped quarters, which led to riots. Many men were hung or killed in the electric chair, while others were murdered by other prisoners. The prison closed in 1995, but according to some, the tortured spirits are still behind bars and in the bowels of the prison and may be seen or heard on a tour.

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