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Uhuru vows to revive sugar firms in Kilifi (PHOTOS)


President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto have promised to invest in productive farming and revive collapsed industries.

Speaking in Kwale County Wednesday while touring a sugar production company, the duo said the move would minimise importation of foodstuff.

“We have come here to familiarise ourselves with what the company is?doing. It is good farming has been revived to offer employment?and with production the extra money we could have used to?import the same can be used for other projects,” Uhuru said.

Uhuru reiterated the need to revive companies that had?collapsed at the Coast, including the cashew nuts industry.

The President-elect added that priority would be given to farming and especially?sugar production at the coast that is highly humid.

“My Government will revive all these so that Kenyans can get?employment and develop the economy of the country. Through outgrowers’ programme even small farmers will benefit,” he?added.

“We are determined to change and transform the economy of our country?and we are going to be an all-inclusive Government. For those who?voted for us we are saying thank you a lot. And those that voted for?our competitors we say that we’ll strive as much for the next five?years to impress you and make sure you support us,” Uhuru said.

Ruto said around a million acres of land at the Coast was?good for cane farming, which he promised to put into use. Nairobi Senator-elect Gideon Sonko Mbuvi accused Jubilee’s rivals of inciting the public over the Supreme Court case challenging their victory. ?

Uhuru, Ruto and Sonko toured Kwale International Sugar Company? Limited and largely steered clear of politics. Uhuru said priority would be given to farming, especially? sugar production at the Coast, which is highly humid.

The President-elect has been residing at the Almanara Luxury Resort in Ukunda?since Saturday and was joined by Ruto on Monday for a private meeting. Analysts are split as to why Jubilee leaders have been touring the Coast for close to a week now.

This is despite the region voting overwhelmingly for Coalition for Reforms and Democracy.

There are unconfirmed reports that Jubilee is trying to woo the region in the event of a run-off after the Supreme Court ruling.

Sonko accused Jubilee coalition’s opponents of inciting the public over the Supreme Court case challenging their victory.

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