This morning on Egesa FM during the breakfast show hosted by Sorobvi Moturi Erastus and Petronila allegedly allowed callers to claim on air that the elections were rigged.
Such comments are bound to create animosity, bad blood and distaste between supporters of Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga.
A statement from concerned officials said, “We have already informed the Head of Operations at Police headquarters and the Media Complaints Committee at Media Council of Kenya.”
Here’s the verbatim statement,
The BREAKFAST show this morning by Sorobi Moturi Erastus and Petronila Getena in which people are claiming on AIR that the ELECTION was RIGGED is tantamount to create animosity, bad blood and distaste between supporters of Uhuru Kenyatta on one hand and those of Raila Odinga on the other hand in Gusiiland.
Such comments are bound to create animosity, bad blood and distaste between supporters of Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga.
A statement from concerned officials said, “We have already informed the Head of Operations at Police headquarters and the Media Complaints Committee at Media Council of Kenya.”
Here’s the verbatim statement,
The BREAKFAST show this morning by Sorobi Moturi Erastus and Petronila Getena in which people are claiming on AIR that the ELECTION was RIGGED is tantamount to create animosity, bad blood and distaste between supporters of Uhuru Kenyatta on one hand and those of Raila Odinga on the other hand in Gusiiland.
We have already informed the Head of Operations at Police headquarters and the Media Complaints Committee at Media Council of Kenya.
Egesa FM is owned by SK Macharia.
by the kenyan dailypost