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Ruto urges CORD to abandon poll petition plan and Join hands build Kenya


Raila and Ruto (file photo)
Deputy President-elect William Ruto wants the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) presidential candidate Raila Odinga to abandon his intended election petition.

Speaking shortly before President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta made his maiden speech, Ruto said Kenyans have spoken and Raila should accept that decision.

“The people of Kenya have spoken very clearly; I have heard the Prime Minister saying the voice of the people is the voice of God. I really want to persuade my friends beginning with the Prime Minister to join us,” he said.

Ruto also thanked Kenyans for supporting the Jubilee Coalition, terming the win as a miracle.

“This afternoon I am lost for words, for us to get where we are today God, and I say God, did it for us. God can ably handle everything. He turned every roadblock into a stepping stone and turned every chance into an opportunity. Our victory today ladies and gentlemen is in all manner of definitions a miracle and we want to thank God,” he said

Ruto treated the excited crowd at Catholic University to listen to Uhuru’s speech to laughter narrating how he met Uhuru some 12 years ago.

“Your Excellency, I remember last Saturday in Uhuru Park I said that was the last time I would call you man UK (Uhuru Kenyatta). When I met Uhuru Kenyatta about 12 years ago, he gave me his number and I saved it. I have two numbers so I saved one as ‘FP1’ and the other one ‘FP 2’. I have kept on looking at this number over the last 12 years. I want to tell you that ‘FP’ was an abbreviation of ‘Future President’. Now that it has come to pass, I will change it, I surely will,” he said.

He admitted he was tempted to delete his number in 2007, but he did not for reasons he could not explain.

“Now even as we campaigned, I was tempted in 2007 to change but somehow I didn’t, now I will have to remove the FP because the future is now here,” he added.

Ruto said a Jubilee government will remain committed to what he said is ‘fulfilling every single promise’ the coalition made to Kenyans.

“Our fellow countrymen we are humbled by the confidence you have bestowed in us, we want to tell you we will do everything possible so that together we can deliver a Kenya we can all be proud of,” he said.

“I believe tunaweza kusema na Kutenda (to do as we say). We have a robust multi-talented Jubilee team from all levels,” he said.

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