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Kenyan drug dealer arrested in the UK after smashing his car then reporting it stolen


A convicted drug dealer who smashed his Audi in to a wall – and then tried to report it stolen has been jailed for a year.

Patrol police caught the strong smell of cannabis as Kenneth Muthoni, 25, drove past them in his Audi A3. But Muthoni refused to stop – and sped through red lights, sped the wrong way through a roundabout, and drove at dangerous speeds of up to 90mph.

His reckless flight ended when he crashed into a parked car and then a garden wall at an address on Croft Avenue, Atherton.

He fled the scene and the next day reported his car as stolen to police in a bid to divert the blame.

However, police quickly saw through his ruse when they analysed in-car video from the patrol car on the scene. Muthoni could clearly be seen in CCTV footage running away from the wrecked vehicle.

Detectives also soon learned the driver was on licence having been convicted of possession of cannabis with intent to supply.

He was recalled to prison.

Appearing before a judge this week, Muthoni, of Withington Lane, Aspull, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving at Liverpool Crown Court.

He was sentenced to 12 months and two weeks in prison, given a four-year driving ban and fined £100.

Commenting on the case, Inspector Phil Bromley, from GMP, said: “Today this man has been sentenced for his reckless actions.

“Despite being released on licence from prison he was in possession of drugs and thought of nothing other than trying to evade arrest when he saw the police carbehind him.

“The manner in which he drove put other people’s lives in danger and it is fortunate that nobody was seriously injured or killed when he crashed.”

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