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CORD says they have evidence of poll anomalies


Despite disputing the declaration by the electoral commission that Uhuru Kenyatta won the presidential election, Prime Minister Raila Odinga has urged Kenyans to remain peaceful.

He urged Kenyans to await the decision of the Supreme Court on the election and abide by the law.

He disputed the declaration of Uhuru as President-elect, citing “massive irregularities” that marred the votes and subsequent tallying.

The CORD leader claimed there was massive tampering of the results and some figures were cooked and promised to provide evidence.

“Let the Supreme Court determine whether the result announced by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission is lawful. We are confident the court will restore the faith of Kenyans in the democratic rule if law,” Raila said.

The Premier did not indicate the day they intend to move to court but according to the Constitution, they have seven days from on Saturday when Uhuru was declared president, to file the petition. The Supreme Court will then have 14 days to hear the dispute and make a ruling.

“We have a new independent Judiciary in which we in CORD and most Kenyans have faith. It will uphold the rule of law, and we will abide by its decisions,” Raila said.

He said in spite of the numerous complaints raised by CORD leaders, IEBC ignored them and presented results from a flawed electoral tallying process.

“We have highlighted many irregularities in the tallying process,” the PM said and accused the media of also ignoring the coalition’s complaint.

“There was a conspiracy by the local media to give us black out on the issues we raised, only the international press was covering it,” he said.

CORD’s concerns are majorly from what they believe is a systematic and deliberate failure of technology employed by IEBC to identify voters and transmit results electronically. The coalition believes this was sabotage intended to interfere with the voting and tallying process.

Tabulated twice

On Monday, the electronic voter identification kits failed forcing IEBC to revert to manual register in identifying voters. The Electronic Voter Tallying System also collapsed on Tuesday, further forcing IEBC to resort to manual tallying. “Two days after the vote, the electronic tallying process was discarded and counting began afresh, manually. That too turned out to be flawed exercise in which, among other things, there was massive tampering with the IEBC voter register,” the PM said.

He claimed voter registration numbers from some CORD strongholds were reduced and added to Jubilee and cited Ndhiwa where he alleged the number of voters listed was different the results announced results by IEBC.

Raila said democracy was trial during this election. He cautioned Kenyans against engaging in acts of violence and urged them to respect the rule of law and embrace each other as brothers and sisters.

“Any violence now could destroy the country forever, and that would not serve anyone’s interests,” he said.

The CORD leader cited a decision by the IEBC to allegedly eject their agents from the tallying room as part of the scheme to manipulate the results.

Although, the team as cited Laikipia North, whose results they claim were read and tabulated twice, by last evening they had established over 30 constituencies where they say the voter turn out was either over one hundred or results were adjusted to give Uhuru advantage.

CORD claims results in some Jubilee strongholds were adjusted by a figure of between 2,000 to 10,000 votes.

Some of the constituencies they claim are affected include Kilgoris, Mathira, Kieni, Buuri, Imenti North, Pokot South, Ndhiwa among others. The Standard

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