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CORD rally moves to Kisii, Karua in Bungoma


The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) presidential candidate Raila Odinga and his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka began a three day campaign blitz in the vote rich counties of Kisii and Nyamira to drum up support for the alliance ahead of the forthcoming general election.

The CORD luminaries led by Prime Minister Odinga, Vice President Musyoka and the majority leader nominee Moses Wetangula, held a series of separate campaign rallies across the two counties before converging for a major rally at the Gusii Stadium.

“We are asking our competitors to put Kenya first and not their personal interests,” said the VP.

Speaking in Borabu constituency, he told residents in the area who depend mostly on agriculture that the CORD government would revamp the sector including facilitating value addition to farm produce to enable them reap maximum returns.

Musyoka spelt out an ambitious development plan by CORD including infrastructural improvement, to guarantee faster socio-economic development.

“Our 10-point blue print touches on job creation for the youth, industrial development for all counties and free education among others under our manifesto,” he added.

The Vice President said the CORD government will employ more teachers to close the gap in the teacher-student ratio as well as improve their terms of service.

Meanwhile, Narc Kenya presidential candidate Martha Karua has pledged to wage war on all forms of corruption and ensure that all those found culpable are convicted.

Speaking during a public rally in Kimilili, Bungoma County, Karua urged Kenyans to elect leaders who are committed to fighting corruption.

She said the government has failed to show political will in dealing with the vice, especially when it touches on those who are perceived to be politically correct.

Karua stated: “Kenyans should vet the people who are asking for leadership positions and find out their stand on policy issues. Some of the people I’m competing against have no interest in fighting or ending corruption.”

“If you elect them, it will be like trusting a hyena to guard a butchery. The hyena will eat all the meat,” she said.

She further renewed debate on the candidature of Jubilee Alliance leaders Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto saying that the two should clear their names at the International Criminal Court before the seek mandate to lead the nation.

Karua said the country should not have to deal with the uncertainty of a leadership vacuum should both leaders be simultaneously summoned to appear before The Hague-based court.

On Tuesday, the flower party candidate will take her campaigns to Elgeyo Marakwet County.

She will hold roadshows in Kolol- Tambach, Chekobei-Cheptebo Koimur-Flourspar, Kocholwo, Kamwosor-Metkei, Nyaru-Chepkorio amongst other places. -Capital FM

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