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BEFORE YOU VOTE read this : Grading and Summarizing Kenya's Second Presidential Debate


The Moderators & presidential candidates had an excellent debate yesterday. Good job.

1. Prof Ole Kiyapi (A)
- Was the most articulate on all issues
- Had very good points on wages imbalance

2. P. Kenneth (A)
- Has an impeccable track record
- Served both the Private and Government sectors successfully with tangible results.
- A numbers guy, makes it easy to implement policy.

3. M. Dida (A)
- This time he was the best in articulating peoples issues, last debate that honor went to Ms. Karua.
- Let me admit , I didn't rely acknowledge Mr. Dida in the first debate, I believe it was because I didn't know him at-all, now to the point/s:
- Mr. Dida should be congratulated for outsourcing/exporting HR/Labor and creating jobs for a country of over 50% unemployment. It's the government responsibilities to protect it's citizens around the world not recruiter's.
- Loved this point on wages: Mps have been overpaid, they should start by refunding the excesses before getting a pay cut lol. My own addition: This is "Public Service" not for profit enterprise.

4. Paul Muite (A-)
- Ayang Nyongo & him started the Goldenberg scandal debate in parliament.
- Good land solutions.
- Had to do a-lot of explaining about claims of receiving a bribe from Pattni.

5. U. Kenyatta (B)
- On the finance ministry, he introduced Computerized Financial Systems.
- Unlike his first debate where ICC was his Achilles heel, this time round land was, and as PM. Odinga correctly put it, his sin was just to inherit a-lot of land, as we all know we don't chose our tribe, color, parents etc, so give the guy a break, having said that he should talk to his family to give up most of the land, remember Mzee had 3 wives, so all family member have to be in agreement.
- Couldn't account for his land acreage, should have done a better job by coming out clean.

6. M. Karua (B)
- Used Swahili at her closing argument to reach more listeners & viewers, kudos Ms Karua.
- Didn't take any steps to protect whistle blowers during her tenure as Justice Minister.
- Acted as an "attack dog" while minister in the government thus blocking many progressive legislative motions, very disappointed.

7. M. Mudavadi (C)
- Very articulate when explaining his points
- Presided over the largest payments (75%) as Min. of Finance for the Goldenberg Scum.
- Bogged down by other corruption case i.e Anglo leasing & Cemetery scandals etc.

8. P.M. Ondinga (D)
- Sounded like he has a very good grasp of issues affecting the common man, but lacks the will to follow-up, implement & complete tasks.
- On the Molasses plant, PM said the community that contributed funds will receive their shares after IPO, although as we speak, the plant is in operation!?
- His office has been mentioned in too many corruption cases with no firing of close associates. Was selective with suspension eg Mr. Ruto while Mr. Nyongo was spared mainly due to political competition from the former.
- He correctly stated that Mr. Uhuru was an innocent inheritor of his father's land, and to go round the coast stating that Uhuru was responsible for the plight of all squatter is hypocritical, never mind that Mr. Orengo his ally was in-charge of the land Ministry in the last 5 years!? Whipping people emotions just to score political points in Kenya is very careless at this time.

My Summary

- Mr. Dida had one of the best points again - what happened to the fighters of multiparty democracy, they decided if you can't beat them join them, and I add "look at what happened to people like Raila Odinga, Kiraitu Murungi, Ayang Nyongo, Murungaru, Mweraria, Orengo etc. They all abandoned Justice & Service in exchange of Profits/Corruption & Power".
- On the land issue, the Kenyattas and other Elites should consider the millions around them. Having said that, people should understand their sytems, Kenya is a capitalist. Subdividing of land is a danger to food security, Zimbabwe is a good example, of Robin hood economics.
Instead of people focusing on land, leaders should create alternative to peasant farming as the late Prof. Maathai used to call the subdividing and subdividing of land until it is no longer arable.

- Korea & Singapore which we keep on comparing ourselves to did not reach to first world status through land policies although important there are better alternatives. We were at the same level economically with the two countries in the early 70s.

Better Alternatives

- Better & Advanced Education and Innovation, Internet & Technology
- Manufacturing
- Urbanization
- Energy e.g rural electrification, alternative sources, wind, hydro, geothermal, oil drilling & exploration.
- Financial access, loans for small businesses, youths & women
- Reduce recurring expense by eliminating corruption and reducing pay for all politicians i.e President, Governors, Senators, Women reps, Mps, County reps, other Gov employees and better procurement.

In conclusion; on March 4th vote wisely.
By Julius Macharia -  Houston, Texas

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