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In the name of God and of social conscience, I issue this polite warning to all broadcasting houses in the Republic of Kenya regarding their blatant and unashamed dissemination of radio and television programmes of men and women purporting to be preachers of the Christian Gospel, but who are clearly understood as greedy swindlers of unsuspecting citizens, thus robbing them of their hard-earned money and other resources.
Let every free-to-air radio and television station be warned that, if these masqueraders and prosperity hawkers are not taken off air then I, Reuben Kigame, alongside all sensible Kenyans will be going to court to compel them to do so in defense of millions of innocent Kenyans who deserve better, least of which is their right to the true Gospel of Christ and respect for personal earnings, possessions and property. Let me put it plainly, that if these preachers are not taken off the airwaves by 31st January, 2013, then I will shortly institute legal suit against anyone propagating this swindling lies to the public within the Republic of Kenya.

In case someone is still in doubt, then let it be known that I will be going to court to compel broadcasters to desist from sending to the public any pre-recorded or live broadcast of the following and anything related to it:

1. The purchase of artifacts such as anointing oil, holy water, plants, soil, clothing, booklets and pamphlets in the name of divine exchange, blessing or even offsetting of curses, particularly where monetary value is attached to instant spiritual gain.
2. The persuasion of listeners and viewers to conduct Mpesa transactions or blindly surrender hard-earned cash or resources in return for miracles, blessings, the unlocking of the preacher's oratory/message, etc.
3. The propagation of the lie that if someone is poor or suffers, it is a sign of lack of faith, curse or sin and that money given to the preacher or the group can take care of this.
4. The teaching that money given to a preacher can take care of barrenness, joblessness, sickness, etc.
5. False predictions intended to unnecessarily scare innocent citizens which never come to pass and which are issued in the name of prophecy.

I am a believer in biblical prosperity myself and also believe in a God who works miracles. I believe that God speaks to His people in different ways, chief of which is through His Word, but has also warned that in the last days there will be false prophets and teachers and that we are not to be afraid of them, (Deuteronomy 18:20-21) and must not give in to their deception (Matthew 24:5; 24:11).

I must clarify here that my suit will not be against genuine and biblical teaching on giving to and receiving from God, giving to the poor or to just causes. It is not a suit against alms, acts of kindness or worshiping God through willful giving. It is not a suit against miracles, preaching or teaching per se. It is not about airing religious content. It is about honesty and truthfulness. It is about respecting others. It is about daylight robbery through "spiritual manipulation" through blatant swindling, coercion and manipulation..

In the name of decency and good manners, I will also be including the need to regulate certain mannerisms in the media e.g. a preacher televising filth such as vomiting, foaming at the mouth, lewd pictures, seductive behaviour, and autocratic and negative patronizing behaviour broadcast as spirituality, power games and ministry superiority.

My argument here is that it is wrong for any media house, Christian or otherwise, to earn programme revenues from lies that are then unthinkingly broadcast to the public. That should never be allowed. If it is wrong to con someone, swindle him out of hard-earned cash or any other form of fraud, why should this be permitted in broad daylight with the full knowledge that someone was using spirituality to cheat others out of their possessions? Something wrong does not become acceptable just because it bears the name of God or Christ. As a Christian, singer and preacher of the gospel, I am deeply offended when someone misuses the name of my God, my Saviour or the Holy Spirit or the Word of God. I will not watch as the media continues to air these lies to unsuspecting Kenyans. Whoever misleads any of these little ones, it were better if a millstone were tied to him/her and then they are drowned. Those were the words of our Lord, not mine. James added that teachers will be judged more strictly than those they teach. (James 3:1ff).

For this, I know I will pay a great price, but my conscience towards my Saviour and the Word of God is clear that it is a worthy price to pay. God through John admonished us to test the spirits to see if they are from God. (1 John 4:1ff). Peter warned us of false teachers and prophets in the last days. (2 Peter 2:1-3). Paul warned us of doctrines of demons and of godless chatter, of people following after false teachers because of itching ears. (1 Timothy 4:1ff and 2 Timothy 4:1-5).

If we cannot respect the dignity of fellow citizens as not to swindle them out of their hard-earned possessions, then let us at least respect the Judge of us all, the Lord Jesus Christ, who does not show favouritism and before whom both the preacher, the broadcaster and the listener/viewer will stand. If you are this kind of preacher and have read this message, then please desist from this practice and earn an honest income before God deals with you.
Curse me or bless me: Here I stand!

By Reuben Kagame


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