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Kenneth sends his condolences to Likoni tragedy families


The Eagle alliance presidential candidate Peter Kenneth has sent a message of condolence to the bereaved families, relatives and friends of the 11 people who perished and at least 20 injured in the Mombasa lorry tragedy.

The planning, national development and vision 2030 assistant minister expressed deep sorrow at the loss of life and injuries inflicted to the victims.

The Gatanga legislator said at the Likoni ferry issue needed a lasting solution. He said once elected to take the mantle of leadership of this country, his government would seek funds locally and from development partners to put up a bridge linking Mombasa town with Likoni.

He said the bridge would avert tragedies witnessed in the past especially the infamous capsizing of the ferry where 200 people lost their lives.

Kenneth reiterated his call for voters to elect sober, focused and development conscious leaders out to serve the country and her citizenry.

He said some of those seeking office were wanting in very many aspects and ought to be rejected by the electorate come March 4 polls.

“We don’t want cartels and kingpins to assume the leadership of this country as they would plunge us into division retrogressiveness, chaos and uncertainty,” said Kenneth.

He said in order to conduct free and fair election all the election rules must be applied without favour.

Giving an example of misuse of office, Kenneth said some of his competitors were using government resources in their campaign. He said this practice was illegal and must be addresses nimbly. - Standard Digital

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