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Cyrus Jirongo Abandons Presidential Bid, Joins Cord


Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo of the Federal Party of Kenya has dumped his presidential ambitions and joined CORD to campaign for Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Jirongo was received by the PM at a defection function where he announced he will fight it out for the Kakam
ega County Senate seat with UDF's Bonny Khalwale.

His move is read as part of CORD's strategy to stem the wings of UDF in Western province where former Raila ally Deputy Prime Mistier Musalia Mudavadi has pitched camp attempting to craft a Luhya unity vote.

He will be likely tasked with keeping Mudavadi busy on the ground in Western Province where the two have been battling to have political control over time.

Jirongo said: "I will vigorously campaign for Raila and Kalonzo Musyoka as president and Vice President vigorously and put up a fight to capture the Kakamega County Senate seat."

Jirongo is a perennial opponent of Mudavadi and always swings to cut his influence in the Western Kenya politics.

Jirongo's Full Statement

The 2013 Elections present this country with a unique election in which we seek to define the direction should and must take.

For the Federal Party of Kenya our issues have always been the Restoration of Fairness, Creation of Opportunity, Enhancement of Devolution and the rebuilding of our security machinery so that all Kenyans are safe.

Today FEDERAL PARTY takes the courageous step of taking this agenda to another level. Today’s step is based on the principle that issues are more serious than the messengers.

On a personal level, I also take the unusual step of carrying my commitment to the Restoration of Fairness campaign to the same level. That the issue of “restoration of fairness” is far, far, far more important than the messenger who carries it.

I would like to announce today, that I Cyrus Jirongo, will not be seeking the Presidency in the 2013 General Elections. Secondly, FEDERAL PARTY will also not be fielding a presid
ential candidate in this year’s general elections.

The reasons for this position are clear cut and straight forward;
  • Our analysis of the current elections show that it will counter- productive to split voices that chase a similar goal: Restoration of Fairness. CORD and FPK share the same ideals.
  • Secondly, we Kenyans must choose for President between TWO strong men who both love their country, but who have very different views on how we can create a Kenya for all Kenyans.

The truth be told. The Jubilee Alliance favours concentrated wealth and power leaving common people to fend for themselves.

On the other hand, CORD carries the most pro-equity agenda among the 3 top alliances. CORD’s Presidential candidate The Rt Hon Raila Odinga recognizes that Kenya is made up of different communities and is prepared to negotiate between diverse interest groups.
At the beginning of my speech, I mentioned that “the principle is more important than the messenger”. I have also said “opposition for opposition’s sake is not the way forward”. To create a Kenya where everyone has an equal stake, and fair treatment, we must consolidate and vote for Restoration of Fairplay, and we must choose a President who will show the way.

In conclusion, after meetings within the Federal Party, and after detailed discussions with members of the CORD Alliance, the Federal Party’s organs have resolved the following
  • That the Federal Party joins the CORD Alliance
  • The Federal Party will fully support the candidature of Rt Hon Raila Amolo Odinga and H.E Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka for the positions of President &Deputy President of Kenya.
  • That I, Cyrus Jirongo will contest the post of Senator for Kakamega County under the ticket of the Federal Party
  • That the Federal Party will field its own parliamentary and county candidateswho shall fully support the candidature of Odinga/Musyoka CORD ticket.

Hon Cyrus Jirongo

Party Leader, Federal Party of Kenya
Source: The Standard

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