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Another reason to hate Mark Zuckerberg: He made over $3B last month


If you're among those who hate Facebook, here's another reason to be upset: News reports claim the 28-year-old Facebook guru earned almost $3.5 billion last month. Yep, that's just in November. While you were busy posting Facebook pics of your kitty chasing the vacuum cleaner, Zuckerberg was watching his 504 million shares rise from $21.08 to $28, leaving his net worth hovering around $14.1 billion as of Friday. With all that money, couldn’t the guy come up with a Timeline that doesn't suck so much? [Source]

When Facebook first went public at $38 a share in May, Zuckerberg’s shares were worth $19.1 billion. In the following months, the stock dropped to less than half that IPO price to $17.55 in late August, pushing Zuckerberg’s net worth down to $8.84 billion.

Since then, Facebook’s stock has recovered in fits and starts and so has Zuckerberg’s wealth. November proved to be by far the most robust growth month for the stock to date, thanks to two big factors. First, the company had a strong earnings report in late October, which showed that Facebook was making progress in monetizing mobile. Secondly, the second and largest lockup period for stocks held by employees finally expired in the middle of November, which was something investors had been dreading for months and arguably held down the stock price.

As of last Friday, Zuckerberg’s net worth was $14.1 billion and will likely only continue to grow in December.

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