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Speculation over Jirongo silence


What is Jirongo up to? This is a question observers of the unfolding events on the 2013 political front are asking.

Since the launch of his newly adopted Federal Party, Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo has kept off the media save for the publicised Luhya unity talks mooted by Central Organisation of Trade Unions Secretary General Francis Atwoli three weeks ago.

Rated as a high-power player, Jirongo’s silence is baffling in the face of revelations that TNA Leader Uhuru Kenyatta and URP’s William Ruto are on the verge of sealing a pre-election pact that would have the two run as president and running mate respectively in 2013.

The alleged deal is said to include Cabinet ministers Eugene Wamalwa and Charity Ngilu who would divide the Speaker positions (Senate and National Assembly).

Curiously, those following the Uhuru, Ruto pact claim Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi’s team is part of the negotiations to secure him the Majority Party Leader’s slot in the new look G7 Alliance.

If confirmed, Mudavadi’s involvement would signal the end of the Luhya unity talks that appear to have gained momentum after Western Province’s three presidential aspirants convened two separate meetings in a two- week period. Justice minister Eugene Wamalwa snubbed both meetings.

The talks that brought together Jirongo, his nemesis, Mudavadi (UDF) and Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula (Ford- Kenya) were held at the Mara Game Reserve and later at a private residence in Karen giving rise to speculation that a single Luhya candidate may be fielded in the March 4, 2013, General Election.?

Some analysts, however, were of the view that the show of unity may have been designed to deliver a veiled warning to the G7 Alliance that attempts to form a coalition government that excludes the Luhya community would invite consequences. And Jirongo is yet to publicly comment on the agenda of the talks and referred all media inquiries to Mr Atwoli.

This is strange as the Lugari MP has been very outspoken on issues related to succession politics.

In June, Jirongo kicked up a political storm when he claimed that the G7 Alliance was a Kibaki government scheme to ensure Uhuru Kenyatta succeeds him.

He claimed that elements in Kibaki’s regime had “created” six political parties to “divide people and perpetuate their choice in power”.

Jirongo likened the alleged scheme to a project executed by the late Congo President Mobutu Sese Seko in which 20 state sponsored parties were created to split opposition votes and ensure his win in the 1990 elections.

In remarks and media interviews that would signal final falling out with Ruto and his exit from URP, Jirongo charged that the party (URP), Musalia’s UDF and Eugene Wamalwa’s New Ford-Kenya were outfits sponsored by the State to create ethnic fiefdoms, to prevent a multi-tribal unified party that could pose an obstacle to Uhuru’s presidential bid.

At public rallies in Lugari and Busia, Jirongo accused Ruto of being used to “lock up” Kalenjin votes and pave way for a predetermined candidate in the 2013 elections.

“Ukiangalia URP, mumesikia tunafurugana na Ruto. Kwasababu mimi nikiangalia mwenendo wake, hatafuti Urais. Yuko na mbinu zingine za kutumiwa kugawa watu” (You are aware of the conflict between myself and Ruto in URP. When you scrutinise what he is up to, you will realise he is not chasing the presidency but part of a wider scheme to split votes).

The allegations drew immediate reaction from State House, which angrily asked Jirongo to “stop his obsession” with State House. A defiant Jirongo stood his ground with a witty rebuttal “Three things cannot be long hidden – the Sun, the Moon and the truth”.?

“What the country is witnessing could be a new Jirongo in the making,” said an ally who refused to be quoted. “Jirongo is aware of the fact that all along he has been unfairly accused of undermining Mudavadi who has been projected as the great Luhya hope.

Jirongo’s silence could be his way of letting Mudavadi and Wamalwa display their lack of political skills to the Luhya people before he moves in to pitch his case”.

Source: Standard Media

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