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My mother-in-law seduced me to impregnate her * He always invited me to watch pornographic films


If Mr Tiamiyu Ibrahim, a 45-year-old mechanic, had been part of the Nigerian contigent to the just concluded London 2012 Olympics, he, probably, would have won a medal for Nigeria. The only snag is that his field of specialisation, 'bedminton' was not part of the sporting activities listed for the tournament. IDOWU ADELUSI, in this piece, reports the story of a man who put his mother-in-law in a family way.
MRS Aminat Ibrahim's story appears fictitious, but it is not. The claim of the 40-year-old trader that her husband is the father of a four-month-old baby girl born by her mother leaves one wondering whether Aminat knows the weight of her claim or not.
Mrs Ibrahim said she was ashamed and rattled by the development, adding that her unrepentant mother had threatened to curse her for exposing her misdeed.
Narrating how love affair developed between her mother and the husband, Mrs Ibrahim said her mother, who lived in a village at Apomu Area of Osun State, had been visiting them regularly at Oje Area of Ibadan where they (couple) lived.
She continued, "being my mother, I had no cause to worry, moreso, when she told me that she was assisting me spiritually to become pregnant.
"I wedded my husband five years ago without issue. Sometime in February last year, my mother came to visit us and said she would stay with us for a while.
"I objected since I was not nursing a baby, but she insisted and said was worried about our childlessness and wanted to help us get over it. When I told my husband he was glad about my mother's concern.
"Being a trader, I always leave home most times at 6.00 a.m for neighbouring towns and villages to buy yam tubers or vegetables and then bring them to the market to sell. I always leave the market at 7 p.m.
"My husband is a mechanic. He has his workshop at a place not far from our house. This enabled him to always come home in the afternoon for lunch often prepared by my mother.
"After a while, my husband would tell me jokingly that my mother's soup was delicious than the soup I prepared.
"I did not suspect that anything was going on between them. After all, I trusted my husband, besides the woman in question is my mum and not a friend.
"In December last year, I noticed that my mother's belly was protruding.When I demanded to know if she was pregnant, she said yes. She told me further that her man-friend in the village impregnated her, adding that she used to go to the village when everybody in the house had gone out. Our father died long ago.
"I advised her to look for accommodation elsewhere but she refused. After exerting much pressure on her to leave our house, she confessed that my husband impregnated her.
"I was dazed and almost passed out. She told me that my husband ignited the love affairs.
According to the mother, whenever she (the mother) was in the bathroom, the husband would jump in to see her nakedness, pretending to be unaware that she was in the bathroom.
Explaining further, the mother said, "each time he came home for lunch, he would play pornographic films, inviting me to join him in the sitting room to watch it.
Mrs Ibrahim added, "According to my mum, while the film was going on, my husband would come to where she was sitting and grabbed her. Even after she had freed herself from him and run to stay in the kitchen, my husband would still go to meet her and that was how he started having sex with her.
"My mother told me that she agreed to his demand since it was just to satisfy him and protect my marriage. Moreso, she never thought she could get pregnant again at 57 years.
"My mother explained further that my husband stopped going to work on Saturdays in order to stay with her at home. She told me that four attempts were made to terminate the foetus because she was ashamed but each attempt was unsucceesful.
The woman told Sunday Tribune that when she confronted her husband on the issue, the husband told her to take it easy because she was still childless.
Her word: "My husband told me that it was my mother who seduced him by always staying naked in the room knowing that he could come into the room anytime since they are living in a room and palour apartment.
"He told me not to bother him much on the matter since I don't have any child for him."
When asked if the "new couple" were still staying together, she said no, explaining that they had disappeared from the house and did not know where they were.
However, this reporter and a staff of Succour traced Mr Tiamiyu Ibrahim to a village in Ikire.
He blamed everything on satan, saying that he never believed his mother-in-law could become pregnant for him.
His words, "Iya yen lo fa mi mora, to ni ki nma ba a oun tage. Emi ko mo pe o lee j'asi oyun, mo ro wipe iya ti koja eni to tun le ni oyun ni."
(It was my mother-in-law who seduced me, I never knew she could become pregnant again, but thought she had reached her menopause.)
The wife said she was disappointed by her husband's behaviour, saying, "if he had told me he needed a second wife, I would not refuse him. Why should he be having love affairs with my own mother?" she asked.
Sunday Tribune gathered that the mother-in-law, who later gave birth to a baby girl, brought the baby to Ibadan a month ago.
She was said to have been reviled by neighbours for bringing shame on her daughter and destroying her home.
The mother-in-law could not be reached as everybody contacted said her whereabouts were unknown.

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